Social Commerce : How To Sell Your Brand Through Instagram

Author: Myk Baxter

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In today’s modern world, Social Commerce is one of the most popular & advantageous ways of selling your products & growing your brand awareness, especially through platforms like Instagram. 

With this in mind, in today’s blogpost we’ll run down our top tips on how to effectively use the beloved social channel to build your ROI.

Switch Your Personal Account To A ‘Business’ One. 

Before you start to promote, you want to ensure your Instagram account is a ‘Business account’.

By making this obvious yet important change, you’ll gain access to specific features designed to make promoting your offering easier. These include:

  • Gaining insights into your audience 
  • The ability to add valuable information to your profile allowing people to find/connect with you outside of the app itself.
  • The opportunity to promote your posts to reach a wider audience. 

Consistency Is Key

Just like with most other marketing tools, consistency is key when it comes to social commerce but it’s important that you mix up the content that you post as well. 

By using a mixture of highly-valuable flat images, reels & stories you’re guaranteed to keep your audience engaged & also more likely to gain their trust (& investment) if you post regularly. 

With consistency in mind, it’s important that your branding also remains consistent across the rest of your platforms, including your website as this will keep your presence recognisable & memorable. 

This can be effectively practised through a planned content schedule, whether it be a bespoke one assigned to you or through an existing social media scheduler. 

Create High-Quality Content With The Goal of Selling More

Whilst you want to remain consistent with your content, it’s more important that it is kept to a high-quality & that it provides the audience with something valuable.

Keep your imagery to a great standard & in sync with your brand & ensure that either the image itself or the caption alongside it proves your industry expertise & captivates your following.

Strategically Use The “Link in Bio” Feature

If you want to sell more through Instagram, we’d advise removing the link to your homepage within your bio & replacing it with a targeted landing page where customers coming from the platform can purchase your latest offering. 

Platforms such as Linktree grant you the ability to add numerous links pointing to various landing pages which are tied to specific products which then allow you to add the ‘link in bio’ CTA within your static posts featuring those products linked. 

Link To Your Products/Services Within Instagram

Like the above, publishing content about your products & services through stories is another great way to generate an instant sale through the platform. 

With no bells and whistles required, a simple video showcasing your offering can instantly be made more valuable by adding a link sticker that leads directly to your product page.

This was once only accessible to a certain group of users, but now it’s open to all so use it!

Save Your Most-Popular Stories To Your Highlights

If you’re already actioning the above, have some of your stories featuring specific products done really well? Well don’t let them disappear – save them to your highlights!

Be sure to create a specific ‘stories’ highlight to ensure your customers can easily find them & should you wish you can even segregate them for each of your product departments. 

Promote Posts Featuring Products/Services

As we mentioned at the beginning of this blogpost, switching to a business account grants you the ability to promote your posts which in effect allows you to easily create an Ad. 

By actioning this method, you’re guaranteed to receive more post visibility, traction & overall more eyes on your offering. 

Ideally, you want to be promoting the posts that are already being well-received in terms of engagement as these posts are already guaranteed a better chance of performing in front of fresh eyes given that you already know they appeal to your existing audience.

Use Hashtags Effectively & Wisely 

Hashtags & the tips above go together hand in hand when it comes to boosting your products/services further as the right hashtags can make a significant difference when it comes to new customers finding you on the platform. 

To use them effectively, spend some time researching the correct hashtags for you & tag them in your content accordingly. 

You can also incorporate branded hashtags too, which can be created by you personally in relevance to your brand & products to help your existing customers find exactly what they’re looking for. 

Sell Effectively With Instagram Shopping

Now, leaving the most important till last we must remember that Instagram now allows you to directly sell within the app with Instagram Shopping.

Once you have registered & connected your online store (from your website) you can then create a ‘shop’ & simply add product links within your content. 

Getting started

Whilst Instagram is now making it easier to sell online, it is a practice that can be enhanced through an excellent website & a great content strategy. 

With unparalleled experience in digital marketing & web development, the team at Myk Baxter Marketing can help make your social commerce dreams a reality. Reach out to them today to book your free consultation.

Telephone number: 01325 939 838

Address:  2 Peel Court, St Cuthberts Way, Darlington, County Durham, DL1 1GB

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