Finding The Perfect CRM System For Your Business

Author: Myk Baxter

A VPN is an essential component of IT security, whether you’re just starting a business or are already up and running. Most business interactions and transactions happen online and VPN

As a leading business ourselves, we at Myk Baxter Marketing understand the great importance of using a great CRM or project management system to ensure your processes are well-aligned & efficient. 

In today’s blogpost we will share the ways of identifying the perfect CRM/project management software for you with the goal of helping to support you, your team & your business.

What is a CRM/Project Management system?

In short, a CRM (also known as customer relationship management) platform is designed to help businesses efficiently manage their customer interactions & information by allowing for easier communication & behavioural tracking.

For example, we at MBM UK use a bespoke system to keep a track of our digital marketing & web development projects, from the initial onboarding stage right through to signing off. By keeping a track of feedback, requests & overall communications we’re able to provide the highest level of customer service & personalise each of our client relationships.

How do I know if the system will work for me?

When identifying the right software program to suit your business needs, there are a few key points you must take into consideration: 


  • Does it resolve my problems & challenges? With a good organisational structure, the software in question should help to resolve your day-to-day challenges allowing you to focus your attention on other areas of the business.
  • Is it collaborative? The average workplace team normally consists of 4 to 9 members, therefore your chosen program should offer the ability to work collaboratively with your employees/colleagues for a great workflow. 
  • Does it suit my individual needs? Every business should be different, meaning that every project management system should be too – and BB Software Solutions grants their customers that possibility. 


Based in Lutterworth, Leicestershire, BB Software Solutions is a driven provider of cutting-edge technologies and services, offering scalable solutions for companies of all sizes. Dedicated to offering innovative software solutions to clients across the UK & beyond, they have a key focus on creating bespoke CRM & project management solutions. However, it does not stop there, they will also listen to, and build anything within their capabilities. 

With years of combined experience, they build their solutions by closely listening to their potential clientele & understanding their expectations and challenges faced with their current business process. They know how to analyse this information, and build & customise a piece of software to meet the ever-changing needs of businesses. 

Hundreds of businesses have already transformed their business processes with BB Software Solutions & you could be next. Visit their website today for more information today.





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